Terms of Use 

Welcome to the Alyzé website (www.alyze.ca). By browsing our website, you agree to the following terms and conditions of use. If this is not your intention, please exit the site.

Intellectual Property Notice

The Alyzé website, as well as all content displayed on it or accessible through it, is protected by copyright. Any adaptation or distribution is prohibited unless prior authorization has been obtained.


Alyzé makes no warranties as to the accuracy, relevance, or reliability of the content on the website, nor regarding any errors or omissions it may contain. Under no circumstances shall the information on the website be construed as legal advice. Alyzé disclaims all liability for the use thereof.

Protection of Personal Information 

Alyzé is committed to respecting your right to the protection of personal information, in compliance with the privacy laws of Quebec and Canada. For more information on this subject, we invite you to consult our Privacy Policy or to contact us by writing to info@alyze.ca.